Weston Price - That a Clean Tooth Does Not Decay and that Mouth Cleanliness Affords the Best Known Protection Against Dental Caries - It is not Nature's method
Part 2
This article was written by Weston Price.
The requirements of the normal human for two of the several requisite minerals, namely, calcium, and phosphorus have been shown by Sherman to be approximately two grams of each in suitable chemical form in the daily diet in order that the body may obtain at least one gram of each per day, which can only be accomplished when there is present an adequate quantity of the various vitamins, particularly the fat-soluble vitamins.
The quantity of these two minerals found from a study of the diets of both the immunes and susceptibles in Switzerland shows a marked reduction in several minerals as provided in the normal daily diet, consisting chiefly of entire rye and dairy products in comparison with the displacing diet obtained from modern civilization. This decrease was from 1.6 to 0.4 grams for calcium, from 1.8 to 0.8 for phosphorus and from +++ for fat-soluble vitamins to + on the basis of 2000 calories. This amounts to the reduction of 73.4 per cent for calcium, 55.4 per cent for phosphorus and 67 per cent reduction for the fat-soluble activators.
The change is illustrated in Fig. 2.
For the Outer Hebrides when their native foods, which consisted chiefly of oats and sea foods, are displaced with the diet used by modern civilization, there is a reduction from 1.7 to 0.8 grams for calcium, from 3.04 to 1.3 grams of phosphorus and from +++ to + for fat-soluble activators, a reduction of 52.3 per cent for calcium, 57.2 per cent for phosphorus and 67 per cent for fat-soluble activators on the basis of 2000 calories daily.
This change is illustrated in Fig 3.
When the native diets of the Eskimos are changed from the animal life of the sea to those used by modern civilization, there is a reduction from 2.1 to 0.3 grams for calcium, from 5.7 to 1.1 grams for phosphorus. life of the land, was displaced with diets as used by modern civilization, the reduction was from 2.3 to 0.39 for calcium, from 6.6 to 1.14 for phosphorus and from +++ to + for fat-soluble activators on a basis of 3000 calories. This is a reduction of 84 per cent for calcium, 83 per cent for phosphorus and 67 per cent for fat-soluble activators. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.
Determinations were made of several other minerals, which for brevity are not shown in Figs. 2 to 5. These have included in the analysis of the foods of the Eskimos and Indians and determination of magnesium, iron, copper and iodine.
The per cent reduction for all of these for two groups, the Eskimos and Indians, when changing from high immunity to high susceptibility to dental caries, is shown in Fig. 6, in which it will be seen that the reduction in each, magnesium, iron, copper and iodine is very great, which is doubtless quite and important as in calcium and phosphorus.
The minerals I have shown to be phosphorus, from +++ to + for fat-soluble vitamins or a reduction of 86 per cent of calcium, 80 per cent for fat-soluble activators and the basis of 3000 calories for their severe climate. This is illustrated in Fig. 4.
For the Indians of northern Canada the loss of immunity when their normal diet, consisting chiefly of wild animal life of the land, was displaced with diets as used by modern civilization, the reduction was from 2.3 to 0.39 for calcium, from 6.6 to 1.14 for phosphorus and from +++ to + for fat-soluble activators on a basis of 3000 calories. This is a reduction of 84 per cent for calcium, 83 per cent for phosphorus and 67 per cent for fat-soluble activators. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.
Determinations were made of several other minerals, which for brevity are not shown in Figs. 2 to 5. These have included in the analysis of the foods of the Eskimos and Indians the determination of magnesium, iron, copper and iodine.
The per cent reduction for all of these for the two groups, the Eskimos and Indians, when changing from high immunity to high susceptibility to dental caries, is shown in Fig. 6, in which it will be seen that the reduction in each, magnesium, iron, copper and iodine is very great, which is doubtless quite as important as in calcium and phosphorus.
More About Nature's Method for Fighting Cavities
The minerals I have shown to be supplied in greatly reduced amount in the displacing foods as obtained from modern civilizations are building blocks out of which animal life has been constructed. The natural foods of the various primitive groups contained them in high proportion to the calories, or energy-producing factors. Ordinarily, hunger applies primarily to energy-producing foods.
The primitives, accordingly, like the individuals of modern civilizations, choose the high-calorie foods both because they easily satisfy hunger and provide energy and heat.
Since the maintenance of life is depended upon at least a minimum of minerals and other chemicals of which blood and other body fluids are made, these must be borrowed in proportion as the daily intake fails to supply them.
This produces nutritional stress which affects the blood and saliva. Dental caries is one of the direct expressions or affects this nutritional stress. Nature, as we shall see, provides immunity to dental caries by maintaining these minerals and activators in normal balance.

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