Find The Best Dentist - Holistic Or Biological
Here you will find links to some of the best dentists in the country. You will also find resources for healing cranial dental issues as well as body health imbalances that can contribute to tooth decay.
While a significant portion of the population can heal their teeth without dental treatments, this does not mean you should avoid seeing a dentist. There are many situations where a dentist is helpful. If you need to see a dentist, I recommend seeing a biological or holistic dentist because in general they use x-rays and other procedures that are less toxic than those used by conventional dentists.
Ramiel Nagel, Author of Cure Tooth Decay, Dental Referral Disclaimer and Warning
DISCLAIMER!!! While many excellent dentists are listed on this web page and can be referred from here from the dental lists, many do not provide nutritional support for dental decay. Furthermore my personal opinion is that I neither encourage nor recommend: mercury fillings, mercury filling removal, root canals or root canal removal, tooth crowns or removal, dental fillings, tooth extractions, any form of bite altering devices, braces, dental sealants, head gear, fluoride or any chemical treatment. That does not mean that some of these treatments are incorrect for your situation, but rather be wary of being "sold" treatments that you are not sure of. Furthermore, the dentist should do blood tests, muscle tests, or cranial tests to determine whether the materials and treatments used are compatible with your body.
That said, my wish in providing this list is to help you find dentists who will support your overall health and well being.
Dental Health Associations Member Look-Up
Holistic Dental Association Member Search - Looks at how dentistry affects the entire body.
Dental Wellness Comprehensive Mercury Free Dentist Lookup
International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology - Focus is on less toxic, more compatible and mercury free dentistry as well as mercury removal.
International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine - More conscious dentistry.
Organic Consumers Association - Has many listings for holistic dentists.
Dr. Hal Huggins trained Dentists - Specializes in careful mercury filling removals, and blood tests for new filling material compatibility. The best way is to call 1-866-948-4638. These dentists will likely recommend all root canals to be removed; I am not certain that this recommendation is the best for everyone.
The Institute for Nutritional Dentistry - New concepts in dentistry.
Consumers For Dental Choice - Dentists and consumers who want to abolish mercury.
Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions
Biomimetic Dentistry - Tooth conversing dentistry.
Safest Dental Materials
Safe Materials for Dental Procedures, from fillings to dentures (Radical Medicine) (PDF file)
Prlabs report on low fusing ceramics as possibly ideal dental material (PDF file)
Prlabs report on safe mercury removal technique (PDF file)
Individual Dentists Who Subscribe To Less Invasive, or More Holistic Treatments
I cannot make a claim as to the quality of care you will receive from these dentists. (Review the disclaimer above) A majority of dentists on this list do not offer nutritional support for cavity remineralization and some may not believe it is even possible. However these dentists have been recommended by other people and my hope is that they will provide you with minimally invasive care that supports your overall health.
Dentist Jessica Saepoff, D.D.S. Biocompatible holistic dental care near Seattle, Washington.
Dentist Arta Vakhshoori, D.D.S. - Holistic and Cosmetic Dentist in San Jose, California, uses lasers and does miminally invasive treatments.
Dentist Mark Breiner - Whole Body Dentistry in Connecticut
Dentist Judene Benoit - Holistically oritented dentist focused on prevention with nutrition. Near Toronto, CA and Niagra Falls, NY
Dentist Gerald Smith D.D.S. - International Center for Nutritional Research in Pennsylvania - focus is on dental related health problems as well as autistic children, ADD/ADHD, vertigo, depression, chronic pain and nutritional issues. Bite problems and facial pain issues.
Raymond Silkman D.D.S. - Advanced Lightwire Functional, Holistically Oriented Dentistry, cranial/dental issues) Dr. Silkman's interesting Dental/Cranial Article. 310-445-9098 located in Southern California.
Michael Baylin - Mercury removal, Huggins Protocol, TMJ Issues and whole food nutrition. Located in Baltimore, MD (410) 484-5266
Timothy Gallagher's - Retired - Former President, The Holistic Dental Association, in Sunnyvale, California trained a new dentist. (408) 739-9050
Dentist Chester Yokoyama - Mercury free and holistic dentist in Los Angeles California Area.
Keith Hollander - 610-337-2070 Pennsylvania
Dentist James Lewer in Omaha Nebraska - (402) 391-1919
Groton Dental Wellness Spa - Holistic dental care in Groton Massachusetts.
Dentist Diane Meyer - Holistic dentist specializing in dental revisions. Downers Grove, Illinois. Dr. Meyer does phone consultations as well if you want her to review your specific dental condition or x-rays. Please contact her office.
Dentist Mark McClure - Biological dentist, Washington D.C.
Dentist Svetlana Yesin - Conservative dentistry with knowledge on nutrition and prevention. Located in San Francisco, CA
Dentist Gerald Vermette - Holistic Dentist in Maine.
Dentist Eugene A. Sambataro - Biological Dentist Dr. Eugene Sambataro
Dr. Blanche Grube - Biologically oritented dentist focusing on the Huggins Approach to heal through dental revisions, Scranton PA
Leif Nordstrom DDS - Hollister, California Focus on treating children minimally. (831) 637-8231
Dentist Curt Easten - Holistic Dentist and Naturopath in one. Located in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Dentist Pentti Nupponen - Biological Dentist Halifax, Pennsylvania
Dentist Robert Clinton - Neuromuscular dentist, Sydenham, Ontario Canada
Ted Spence - Virginia. Naturopathic doctor and dentist in one. Recommends whole foods in addition to doing standard dental treatments. (757) 442-3313
Dentist Felix Liao - Holistic general dentistry, Fairfax Virginia
Dentist Joseph Sarkissian - Holistic Dentistry Glendale, California (Los Angeles)
Wolski Center for Integrative Dentistry - Scottsdale, AZ 480-991-3357 - Dr. Wolski is an MD, and DDS
Brian Smith DDS - Holistic Dentist in Marin, California
Stephen Koral DMD - Holistic Dentist, Boulder, Colorado 303-443-4984
Michael Goldman DDS - Biological dentist Maryland
Guy Duquet DDS - Montreal, Canada - Splints and holistic dentistry (450) 463-1262
Veselin Shumantov - Zirconium implants and holistic dentistry in New York and New Jersey.
Munro-Hall Dental Clinic - Healing dentistry and detoxification in England focusing on extracting toxic teeth and cavitations. Located in the United Kingdom
Richard Fissure Annandale, VA - Holistic Dentist and Dental Instructor
Dr. Steven Langsam Brooklyn NY - Takes a systemic approach (718) 332-2995
Dr. Scott Loiselle, New Port, OR
Dr. Richard Fisher, Annadale, VA
Get a Second Opinion on the Phone
If you feel unsure about what type of dental treatment you need. Here is a list of dentists who will review your records over the phone. Please note that this is not for advising about nutritional healing of tooth decay. This is for helping you hone in on accurate and life affirming dental treatments for yourself. Keep in mind that even if you know the exact treatment your tooth needs. The skill of the dentist you choose for the treatment is of the utmost importance. In additional I cannot promise you that any advice given by these dentists will ALWAYS be what you are looking for.
Dr. Raymond Silkman - Holistic Dentistry and A.L.F. Orthopedics. Consultation Fee $110 for 15 minutes. 310-445-9098
Dr. Judene Smith - Strongly focused on prevention. Located in Canada near Niagra Falls / Toronto. 75 Canadian Dollars for 30 minutes.
Find an Holistic "Orthodontist" / Bite Specialist
American Academy of Cranial Facial Pain - Find specialists for disorders related to the pain and nervous imbalances caused by improper bite.
American Academy of Gnathologic Orthopedics - Focuses on the Crozat method of dental arch widening.
Orthrotropics - They call braces "train tracks."
Facial Orthotropics UK - Helps support the forward growth of the face as an alternative to braces.
Cranial Academy Dentists - Dentist are at least somewhat familiar with cranial facial development.
William Hang - Functional Orthopedic dentist in the Southern California area who understands growth enhanchment orthodontics.
A.L.F - Advanced Lightwire Functional
Dr. Nordstrom Darick D.D.S. in California
(831) 637-1675 - (phone consultations)Dr. Raymond Silkman - 310-445-9098
SOMA - Splint Orthodontic Myofunctional Appliance
Dr. John Diamond - New York
Dr. Joseph Da Cruz - Australia
Dr. Elmar Jung - Holistic Dentist, England
Ella Clinic - England
Myobrace - Myobrace is an effective alternative to braces for palate expansion. It creates wider faces and happier patients than conventional orthodontic approaches.
Dr. Leonard Kundel DMD - Connecticut - Unfortunately no longer uses SOMA, but uses myobrace and ALF.
Functional Orthodontics in Texas - Clinical Foundation of Orthopedics and Orthodontics.
Dr. Stack in Virginia - Amazing case studies on the power of our bite.
Physical Manipulation of the body to heal or work with dental issues and imbalanced facial development.
These are good supplemental treatments to ALF, Crozat, Splints and SOMA.
Direct Non Force Chiropractic Technique - This uses subtle/moderate pressure to bring the body back into balance. If you have TMJ issues, or an improper bite, this can significantly help improve tooth/bite alignment.
Find an Osteopath who specializes in the alignment of the facial bones and head bones in relation to whole body health. These folks should be able to help with TMJ issues as well.
Craniopathy and S.O.T. - An advanced technique for realignment of the skull bones. Good for all kinds of head problems including those caused by dental procedures.
Journal of Craniomandibular Practice - Has a listing of professionals that may be able to help with dental and cranial issues.
Find A Natural Health Practioner Organizations - International Foundation of Health and Nutrition - Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
Glandular Balancing (reasonable fee, consultations over the phone)
Bieler Burch Nutritional Healing Consultations
Dr. Wilson's Nutritional Balancing based on Paul Eck
Find A Natural Health Practioner Individuals
By balancing the health of your body, your tooth health will improve. As tooth health and gum health is the result of the health of the glands in your body, this is of course intimately connected to what you are eating.
Louisa Williams Naturopath - Specalizing in dental issues relating to the whole body.
Dr. Kaslow - Extremely knowledgeable with clinic in Southern California. Might be too expensive for some people.
Aajonus Vonderplantiz - We want to live. Aajonus is no longer alive.
Applied Kinesiology - Uses muscle testing to help diagnose and treat problems.
Cranial Sacral Therapy - Probably the best modality for people with head, tooth or TMJ problems.
Essential Mouthwork - people with dental issues need in the mouth work.
Misc. Dental Links
Dental Cyber Web - your dental health online.
Dental Bytes - learn about the connection between nutrition and dental health.
Learn more About Dentistry

The practical advice in this book really seems to be reversing my tooth decay!!! Halleleuiah brother!!! I bought the book for $28... What a bargain, The dental work was going to cost well over $4,000.00 Think I'm excited, you will be too if you use this info to take tooth health into your own hands! Very satisfied. - Mike in Ashland, Oregon.

This book is a must read for everyone interested in improving their health. - Pam Killeen, NY Times bestselling author
I had several very painful cavities postpartum (after having twins) that kept me up all night in pain and made it so I could barely eat... After following the advice in this book accurately my tooth pain subsided within 24 hours and no longer hurt at all, my teeth also look nicer and my gums no longer bleed and are a nice pink color. - J. Steuernol, Canada
Fabulous book! I work in a health food store and will be recommending it a lot. - Vimala
I purchased your cure tooth decay book and appreciate all the info that has opened my eyes to this nutritional healing. - Ace
[Cure Tooth Decay] is a vehicle towards a higher good. It changes your perception of reality. It changes the reality. - Ranko Medved, Croatia