Nutritional Approach to Orthodontics
By improving nutrition, this girl was able to have a more developed face. After one year of improved nutrition, which included the addition of fat-soluble vitamins from food, the teeth, that were overlapping in the girl seen, now have spaces between them.
The words from Weston Price DDS.
The problem as to whether this growth process is latent and how long it may remain so is a very important one. My clinical studies have accordingly been directed to ascertain to what extent changes may be made by reinforcing the dietaries of the individuals with suitable fat-soluble activators and natural foods rich in minerals, particularly phosphorus. The results have been most gratifying and encouraging. A typical case is shown in Fig. 10. In the view to the left the girl was ten years and nine months of age and in the view to the right she was eleven years and eight months. The lack of development of the middle third of the face was that the upper lateral incisors were occluding inside the lower cuspids at the time the first picture was taken. Under a reinforced diet the middle third of the face has grown forward to the position shown on the right, in which the lateral incisors are one-eighth of an inch outside the lower incisors.
What About Fat-Soluble Vitamins in the Diet?
In simple terms, in one year's time under a reinforced diet program high in fat-soluble vitamins, the girl achieved about 1/2 an inch in width of her maxilla (upper palate).
Please note that there are two types of children. Some children have a good "template." That means that their bones are formed in a way that on a good diet, their palate, head, face, and bone structure will expand. Such is the case for this girl described by Dr. Price. Other types of children have a template that is blocked. With children who have a blocked template, it will be difficult or impossible to achieve a maximum width of the dental arch, even with an amazing, rich, nutrient dense diet. It could be how they digest food. Or it could be the template they were born with.
There is a way to change the template. That is by using a wire appliance to widen the dental arch. This should be done with great care and only by an experienced orthopedic dentist or orthodontist.
Here is some further explanation of the narrow jaws produced by our modern diet.
Edible Region

"I've always known deep down that teeth can heal naturally. When my own daughter began having dental issues, I went on a mission! Already been down that path, and being very scarred from the dental experiences I endured, I knew I couldn't put my child through it. I found Dr. Weston Price's research and my instincts told me this was it! Ramiel has now written a book, drawn from Price's findings, but specifically directed at restoring dental health. The result is a very comprehensive book that lays it all out. He is honest. And the truth is an incredible eye-opener! The protocol works. Get this book, especially if you have children." Learn how your children can have healthy teeth. - Mrs. Brown, Canada

The practical advice in this book really seems to be reversing my tooth decay!!! Halleleuiah brother!!! I bought the book for $28... What a bargain, The dental work was going to cost well over $4,000.00 Think I'm excited, you will be too if you use this info to take tooth health into your own hands! Very satisfied. - Mike in Ashland, Oregon
This book is a must read for everyone interested in improving their health. - Pam Killeen, NY Times bestselling author
The protocol in this book is very effective for preventing and mineralizing cavities. - Timothy Gallagher, D.D.S., President, Holistic Dental Association
I was ready to have a tooth pulled and the dentist told me that I needed a root canal, but I had no money for either procedure. I was in pain and my cheek had already begun to swell. But after just over a month of following Ramiel's dietary protocols it is hard for me to feel which tooth was bothering me. Thanks a million to Ramiel Nagel for writing this book. Unbelievable! - Leroy, artist from Utah.
I do consider the book informative, inspiring and altogether helpful. - Laura De Giorgio
[Cure Tooth Decay] is a vehicle towards a higher good. It changes your perception of reality. It changes the reality. - Ranko Medved, Croatia
I have read both your books, and found them both informative and interesting. - Catherine B
Fabulous book! I work in a health food store and will be recommending it a lot. - Vimala
I purchased your cure tooth decay book and appreciate all the info that has opened my eyes to this nutritional healing. - Ace
I have read your book and I am very grateful for it. Thank you for all your hard work! - Joni
I purchased your book about a year ago and found it fascinating and encouraging. I am glad to learn of evidence that teeth which have suffered decay have the potential to heal over and remineralize to the point of avoiding extraction, root canals or other invasive treatments. - Pete
Thank you so much for doing the great research that you put into your book. It is very helpful. - Paul