May Mellanby - Diet is the Main Cause of Tooth Decay
Below is a copy of a newspaper article clip about May Mellanby, the noted English doctor who researched the connection between diet and tooth decay. The article is shared here below as it is important for the public to understand the relationship between diet and tooth cavities.
Here is what the article says:
"I firmly believe faulty nutrition is one of the chief reasons for the prevalence of dental caries among the so-called civilised peoples today," Lady Mellanby, noted English lecturer, said last night.
Lady Mellanby was giving a public lecture at the University.
"It is not the whole story. There must be many other contributory factors, external and internal," she said.
Lady Mellanby recommended plenty of (raw) milk and regular doses of cod liver oil in children's diet, and very little cereal foods, to ensure against decay.
"There seems to be definitely less gum trouble in Australia than in Britain, but I am sorry to say the caries problem is very bad," she said, adding that she had examined 800 five-year-olds here.
The teeth of the children in institutions in Britain were better than those of children in private schools, because those in institutions had one or two pints of milk, some cod liver oil and a regular balanced diet every day.

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