Tooth Extraction
The quote below illustrates the problems with tooth extractions. This doesn't mean you should not get your tooth extracted, but that you should consider carefully the choice of getting your tooth extracted.
I have been reading your book Cure Tooth Decay and I haven't found any information about dental implants after a tooth extraction. I know you talk about preventing dental tooth decay. Unfortunately I found your book too late, after I had an extraction. I just want to know if you can give me any advice about dental implants. The problem is that the molar I had extracted had two root canals done and it still hurt and they told me that it could be fractured and that I should extract it. I didn't want to but I had pain. Not severe but it didn't go away. If I had come across your book before I would have never done a root canal in the first place. But now it's too late. My problem is that the molar that they extracted is like my main molar. Since I don't have wisdom molars I just have two molars in each side. The extraction happened to be the one before the last one and is the one that I mainly do my chewing on. Now I feel awful because I can't hardly chew in that side and I have to use my other side to chew. If it was any other molar or tooth that was not so important I will just leave it alone and don't think about dental implants or bridges.
Tooth Extraction Risks
- The tooth can get infected.
- A common complication is dry socket, and improper clot forming. Dentist Hal Huggins thinks this can be prevented by not driving more than a few miles in a car after the dental treatment as driving may damage the body's ability to form a clot. Another way to prevent clotting problems from tooth extractions is to make sure that the patient is relatively healthy before the procedure.
- A nearby tooth can get damaged during the extraction.
- A small piece of tooth doesn’t get removed and stays in the jaw. Someone I talked to had an extraction site cleaned out and there was a small piece of gauze that was in the persons jaw for over twenty years.
- Your jaw could get fractured due to the torquing and pulling. This generally happens to people with weak bones. (Weak bones are generally a result of medications or a poor diet.)
- A small hole can form in your sinus from a tooth extraction. These holes usually close up. Tooth roots go deep up into our heads.
Numbness, this can especially happen after removing wisdom teeth. The main nerves can get damaged during the extraction.
The Cost of Tooth Extraction
The cost of a tooth extraction ranges from about $130 to $600 or more. The cost depends on how difficult the tooth is to get out, and the general prices in your area.
Tooth extractions take time to heal. Expect a week for being unable to eat hard foods, and 3-4 weeks for the area around the gum to heal from an extraction.
The Author's Opinion on Tooth Extractions
In general what people need in relation to tooth extractions is to give a good effort towards saving or keeping the tooth. Nothing can replace your natural teeth. Sometimes a tooth has to be extracted because of how damaged it is and because of how it can effect other parts of the body.
Saving teeth requires a good diet, such as described in the book "Cure Tooth Decay." It also requires your body to be in moderate health. And it may require some good dental work to bring the tooth back to strength or balance with the rest of the body, depending on the condition of your tooth.

The practical advice in this book really seems to be reversing my tooth decay!!! Halleleuiah brother!!! I bought the book for $28... What a bargain, The dental work was going to cost well over $4,000.00 Think I'm excited, you will be too if you use this info to take tooth health into your own hands! Very satisfied. - Mike in Ashland, Oregon.

This book is a must read for everyone interested in improving their health. - Pam Killeen, NY Times bestselling author
I had several very painful cavities postpartum (after having twins) that kept me up all night in pain and made it so I could barely eat... After following the advice in this book accurately my tooth pain subsided within 24 hours and no longer hurt at all, my teeth also look nicer and my gums no longer bleed and are a nice pink color. - J. Steuernol, Canada
Fabulous book! I work in a health food store and will be recommending it a lot. - Vimala
I purchased your cure tooth decay book and appreciate all the info that has opened my eyes to this nutritional healing. - Ace
[Cure Tooth Decay] is a vehicle towards a higher good. It changes your perception of reality. It changes the reality. - Ranko Medved, Croatia