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    New Flyers Help Spread Awareness of Fluoride Dangers

    Alliance of Fluoride-free Advocates

    The Alliance of Fluoride-free Advocates has released a new flyer that is helping spread awareness of the dangers of fluoride. The flyer shares important information about the effects of fluoride and why it is critical that more people take action and start saying no to fluoride.

    The flyer notes that the CDC has released studies that state that 41 percent of teens have overdosed on fluoride and are facing permanent health effects, such as white and brown spots on the teeth. While the number of people negatively affected by fluoride continues to grow, the dental industry and health industries continue to promote mass water fluoridation and want to install fluoridation systems in public drinking water systems.

    There are considerable dangers from fluoride for adults, as well as children. The flyer notes that,

    “If a child swallows the pea-sized amount of toothpaste recommended on the tube, FDA says to call Poison Control; this is the same amount in one 8-ounce glass of fluoridated water.” ("Alliance of Fluoride-free Advocates")

    Although many health officials continue to claim that fluoride works, it is actually ineffective at healing teeth cavities. One of the most startling aspects of fluoride is where it originates from. Most of the chemicals that are used to fluoridate the water supply, such as fluorosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride and sodium fluoride, are toxic waste that is leftover from the fertilizer industry.

    There are also significant concerns regarding the effects fluoride has on the body. Fluoride acts as a hormone inhibitor, which means that it has an effect on the nervous system and digestion. One of the most common side effects of fluoride is the impact it has on the teeth and bones. It can accumulate in the bones, which results in brittle bones that are prone to fractures. In regards to dental health, fluoride actually alters the natural creation of tooth enamel, which creates false enamel that is brittle and weak. As fluoride changes the tooth enamel, it can result in dental fluorosis. When this occurs, the teeth may become discolored and feature white, light gray or brown spots. Two researchers, Smith and Smith from the University of Arizona, found that fluoride causes the teeth to become more brittle.

    “If excessive fluoride consumption is continued, mottling (dental fluorosis) will occur and in time the teeth may become stained. When decay does set in, the result is often disastrous. Tooth mottling is the earliest sign of what could become crippling skeletal fluorosis which is well documented in hot climate. Fluorosis actually means "chronic fluoride toxicity.”  (McLellan)

    There are serious concerns that fluoride may also be linked to cancer, brain and kidney damage, and a lower I.Q. In 1971, studies done by Dr. Dean Burke showed the effects of fluoridation in the water systems. The results from his studies showed that, "One-tenth of the 350,000 cancer deaths per year in the U.S. are linked with artificial public water fluoridation."(McLellan)  The government requested further studies be done on animals to confirm the accuracy of these results. The results, released in 1990, showed a clear link between fluoride and cancer. (Sibbison)

    Fluoride is not the answer to preventing tooth decay and cavities. The human body is designed to build strong, healthy teeth and bones naturally. As long as a person avoids eating a diet high in processed and sugary foods and consumes a nutrient-rich diet of whole foods that contain fat-soluble vitamins and other minerals, tooth decay and cavities can be prevented.

    Fluoride in both toothpaste and the water system is toxic, and it is critical that the public becomes aware of the dangers related to fluoride. The new flyers by the Alliance of Fluoride-free Advocates can be printed online and distributed anywhere necessary, such as stores, events or health fairs.



    "Free Fluoride-free Handouts." Alliance of Fluoride-free Advocates. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Dec 2011. < >.

    McLellan, Helen. "Consumer Health Articles: Fluoridation." Consumer Health . 3.2 (1986): n. page. Web. 31 Dec. 2011. < >.

    Sibbison, J.b., "More About Fluoride," Lancet, Volume 336, No. 871, p. 737 (1990).

    Photo Credit: Alliance of Fluoride-free Advocates

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