bebek isimleri

Updates from Jessica

  • The Victims of Unnecessary Dentistry

    Many people put their trust in the medical professionals that they visit, which includes their dentist. However, stories that have emerged over the last several years are sending a cautious message to patients: don't immediately trust everything your dentist tells you. This message contradicts how many people may feel. They want to genuinely trust that the dentist they visit is looking out for their best interests and will conduct themselves professionally and ethically. While there are reputable dentists that are concerned for their patient's well-being, there are those who are simply in it for monetary gain.


  • New Flyers Help Spread Awareness of Fluoride Dangers

    The Alliance of Fluoride-free Advocates has released a new flyer that is helping spread awareness of the dangers of fluoride. The flyer shares important information about the effects of fluoride and why it is critical that more people take action and start saying no to fluoride.


  • Vegetarians More Likely to Have Dental Erosion

    Many people who consume a vegetarian diet believe that they are healthier, because they are consuming natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables. While many claim that a vegetarian diet is healthier and better for you than other diets, there is evidence that a strictly vegan diet is not as healthy as it may seem, especially when it relates to dental health.


  • Why the Ultimate Mouthwash Won’t Really Cure Tooth Decay

    Researchers have concluded years of testing and are nearing the time when they will release a new mouthwash that has been coined the “ultimate mouthwash.” The mouthwash has been formulated to target the bacteria Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans). A new study, published in Caries Research, found that the mouthwash was effective at killing Streptococcus mutans in the mouth. These findings have led researchers to believe that this new mouthwash may completely “wipe out tooth decay during our lifetime.”


  • New Study Confirms Weston Price’s Original Findings

    A new study, published in the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, has shown a significant increase in the number of dental caries in native cultures that are introduced to fruit juices and sugary foods. The study was based on children in an area of Libya that is being introduced to a more westernized diet. The study took into account the dental health of 791 children that were 12 years of age. The children were screened for presence of dental caries (cavities). Results from the study showed that almost 60 percent of the children examined had dental caries. Conclusions from the study state that;


  • Nighttime Breastfeeding Does Not Cause Cavities

    Many new parents are often told that both breast milk and formula can cause early childhood caries, also referred to as ECC. A study, published in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, has shown the differences in the dental health of infants who are breastfed and those who are formula-fed. Researchers examined 504 children, and took note of the way a child was fed (breast, bottle or both), feeding habits, the child’s amount of sugar intake, and the family’s background. Conclusions from the study state;


  • 1.8 Billion Spent on Toothpaste While Tooth Decay Rates Continue to Climb

    A new report has revealed some interesting statics related to dental health and the amount of money spent on dental hygiene products. Studies estimate that there is about “$1.8 billion spent on toothpaste and $775 million on toothbrushes,” annually.


Bebek İsimleri
Disclaimer: This material has been created solely for educational purposes. The author and publisher are not engaged in giving medical / dental advice or services. The author and publisher provide this information, and the reader accepts it, with the understanding that everything done or tried as a result from reading this book, or website is at his or her own risk. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage or injury caused, or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book or website.

Copyright: © Ramiel Nagel, 2010. All Rights Reserved. It is illegal to duplicate content off of this website without the permission of the author. Please link to the website to help spread the good word.

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