Tooth Infection, Tooth Root Infection, Dental Abscess: How to treat it!
On this page you will learn why you have a tooth infection, and how you can immediately take steps to start healing it!
Tooth Infection or Dental Abscess: What is it?
Infected teeth are also known as abscessed teeth. An infection is a pus-filled swelling. Teeth infectins can result from tooth decay. The damage to your tooth that is causing pain is not caused by bacteriaas you have been told, but usually by certain dietary habits that are common in our modern industrial society.
Tooth With Infected Pulp
What Causes Teeth to be Infected?
An infection of the pulp within your tooth can only happen when foreign substances find their way into the tooth. When you eat food, and your enamel is weak or breached due to dental decay, then the food can penetrate deeply into the inner layers of the tooth. The food or other particles deep inside the tooth become an irritant. The body then creates an infection, or abscess to push out or collect the irritating substances. Another possible source for a dental abscess is dead cells and tissues that are not cleaned away by your body. Every day our body gets rid of dead cells and cellular waste. If your body's cleansing system is blocked, then it may be inhibited in its ability to remove toxins from inside the tooth or around the tooth.
Foreign substances, such food in your mouth or dead tissues, can directly enter the once-protected tooth tissues or enter through gum pockets to the area right below the root of your tooth and cause an abscess.
Dental Infection Note: Please take care of yourself. Many abscesses can be easily healed if one is in good health. But if you are in poor health, or have other serious whole-body problems then you will need much more help than what is provided here. I never recommend avoiding a dentist and this page is not a replacement for medical/dental advice. Do you need to find a better dentist? See my dental referral page.
What Happens to An Infected Tooth?
Through tooth decay, cracks in enamel, or from dead tissue, the fluid flow of micronutrients within your tooth reverses. Rather than the dental lymph fluid flowing in an outward fashion in such a way as to clean the inside of your tooth. The fluid starts pulling debris from the mouth into the interior of the tooth. The interior of the tooth can then become irritated or inflamed from the unclean substance.
The body responds to this unclean substance by trying to remove the substance. This is the cause of the painful inflammation in your mouth. If the inflammation cannot trap the debris, then there is pus, a thin protein-rich fluid that your body uses to trap and contain foreign substances.
Imagine, for example, an infection that could occur from a cut on your arm. That would be similar to what is happening in your mouth.
Tooth abscess tip: Eat more butter. Unsalted butter will help reduce inflammation in your body.
Symptoms of a Dental Infection
- Toothache
- Severe, continuous pain
- Gnawing or throbbing pain
- Sharp or shooting pain
- Pain when chewing
- Sensitivity of the teeth to hot or cold
- Bitter taste in the mouth
- Breath odor
- Possible fever
- Swollen glands of the neck
- General discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feeling
- Swollen area of the upper or lower jaw -- a very serious symptom
Types of Dental Infections
One type of infection is called a periapical abscess; it occurs from within the tooth pulp. This is what is shown above in the picture.
The other type of infection is a periodontal abscess, which occurs from the surrounding tissues and bones.
You can help get a better gauge on understanding which type of infection you have by observing the pain and inflammation response in your body. The periodontal abscess, which is a gum infection, is typically not effectively treated by a root canal since the infection would not likely be coming from within the middle of the tooth. Furthermore, root canal treatments can be highly invasive, making your tooth unhappy.
How To Heal An Infection Naturally
Healing an impurity requires both internal and external treatments. Internally you can change your diet to remove toxic, dental infection-promoting foods. For the external treatment, you can help your body clean up the abscessed area with herbal remedies.
Abscess Healing Tip: Temporarily eat fewer grains. Grains can easily cause cavities if not properly prepared.
Herbal Remedies for teeth infections talks about some herbs you can take for external relief of a tooth infection.
Dietary Remedies for tooth infection teaches you what foods you can immediately eat and avoid to help reduce inflammation in your mouth to help you heal your abscess.
Tip Avoid caffeine - Caffeine elevates blood sugar levels and has (some) effect on glucose metabolism, endocrine glands and the liver. This is not what your body needs when it has tooth pain or a tooth infection.
Antibiotics and Dental Infection
Amoxicillin is a common antibiotic prescribed for tooth infections. Amoxicillin tends to work best for treating an abscess, and dentists or doctors will claim that it is the only way to cure a tooth infection. My opinion is to avoid antibiotics at all costs unless it is an emergency. Dentist Hal Huggins in his book, "Uniformed Consent", agrees with this theory stating that antibiotics used for dental infections will cause the bacteria to colonize elsewhere in a more serious location. Antibiotics work by poisoning the body. This forces the body to stop its pus removal activity. Because antibiotics are toxic, people develop a resistance to antibiotics working. Many people have written to me that antibiotics did not help their tooth infection. Meanwhile, they destroyed their intestinal probiotic bacteria by taking the antibiotics. Antibiotics do seem to get rid of infections in some cases. It would be interesting to see some scientific studies on antibiotics and their effectiveness both short and long term.
What if you have a Gum Abscess or Periodontal Infection?
An abscess in your gums is a form of infection. A gum abscess is not caused by bacteria. Typical causes of gum abscess include anything that affects your body chemistry, particularly strong stimulating substances. These include: high fructose corn syrup, medications, illegal drugs, WHOLE wheat flour, synthetic sugars, or eating too many sweets. The remedy for the gum abscess is to remove these aggravating causes from your diet.
Learn how to keep your teeth strong so they won't get infected, and learn how to navigate the treacherous waters of dentistry in the book, "Cure Tooth Decay."

I was ready to have a tooth pulled and the dentist told me that I needed a root canal, but I had no money for either procedure. I was in pain and my cheek had already begun to swell. But after just over a month of folliwng Ramiel's dietary protocls it is hard for me to feel which tooth was bothering me. Thanks a million to Ramiel Nagel for writing this book. Unbelievable! - Leroy, artist from Utah.