My Tooth is Healing Every Day
Dear Ramiel,
I can't thank you enough for your very informative book. It has helped me a great deal!!! Although, I do eat and practice some of the recommendations in your book, I didn't have the rest of the information to help with my (so-called) tooth decay. The whole side of my mouth had been aching on and off for months. After having a mercury filling removed the dentist discovered the tooth next to it was quite badly decayed. Before being told this and having my tooth drilled and a filling introduced, I had no problems whatsoever.
I had been to a couple of dentists prior to ordering your book and they told me I would need a root canal. This was not an option for me, so I was ready to have my tooth pulled the same day I ordered your book, as I was in so much pain. That day, I downloaded your e-book, got the ingredients you recommended and started putting it into practice. Within a few days the pain had settled and I can actually now chew on that side of my mouth. I feel my tooth is getting stronger and healing every day. I am totally amazed at how quickly this has worked.
Thank you again for all your efforts in producing a wonderfully helpful book. Keep up the good work!
Kind regards,

I purchased your book about a year ago and found it fascinating and encouraging. I am glad to learn of evidence that teeth which have suffered decay hae the potential to heal over and remineralize to the point of avoiding extraction, root canals or other invasive treatments. Pete N.

The protocol in this book isvery effective fr preventing and mineralizing cavities.
Timothy Gallgher, DDS, Past President Holistic Dental Association
"Not only is Cure Tooth Decay a practical guide to teach parents how to raise healthy children (with healthy teeth), it is also a helpfull tool for adults who have suffered with poor dental health and/or chronic disease. I would also highly recommend this book to people who are looking for things they can do to protect their bones, and their overall health, as they age. In other words, this book is a must read for everyone interested in improving their health." Pam Killeen New York Times nestselling Author
"My cavity has gotten smaller!" - Ranko, Croatia
"The practical advice in this book really seems to be reversing my tooth decay!!! Hallelujah brother!!!"Very satisfied, Mike - Ashland, OR