Innovative Book Helps Americans Save Money at the Dentist
Montpelier, VT – Jan 10, 2015– Ramiel Nagel, author of “Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition,” today announced that his book can help Americans save money at the dentist – especially in this tough economic climate.
According to government actuaries, U.S. dental spending in 2008 could top $100 billion. In light of the shaky economy, people are stressed about spending – and under stress, many resort to poor eating habits with diets high in sugar. But by changing dietary routines, Americans can limit and avoid tooth fillings and costly treatments like crowns and root canals, while bringing more health and balance to their bodies.
“Dental health is very important to the overall wellbeing of the body and diet is vital to maintaining a healthy mouth,” said Dr. Timothy Gallagher, President of the Holistic Dental Association. “I highly recommend this book for people who suffer from gum disease or frequently have cavities as it offers simple, effective nutritional remedies to help reduce pain and improve health.”
Nagel’s “Cure Tooth Decay” offers tips and steps people can take to improve their dental health, and ultimately, their overall wellbeing. Some of his advice includes:
• Eat more organic butter. Organic butter from grass-fed cows has high vitamin content with a unique form of vitamin K2. It also has highly absorbable forms of vitamins A, E, and D, which are known to help bond the minerals calcium and phosphorus onto teeth – making teeth hard and healthy.
• Watch your intake of sugary foods and drinks. A diet high in sugar can lead to painful cavities and tooth decay. Sugar breaks down teeth because it causes fluctuations in the blood sugar, causing painful toothaches that can result in expensive trips to the dentist.
• Avoid pasteurized dairy products. While this may sound surprising, pasteurized dairy products are full of antibiotics, pesticides and growth hormones. A healthier alternative is unpasteurized milk from grass-fed Jersey cows. It is chockfull of vitamins including B6, A, D and K2, a vitamin that helps promote healthy teeth.
• Don’t drink tap water. Water from the tap is full of fluoride and there is little evidence fluoride in drinking water helps prevent cavities. In fact, it can have a negative impact on your overall health. Invest in a fluoride water filter or drink bottled water instead.
“Processed food does not contain the bio-available vitamins that our bodies need to build healthy teeth and bones,” said Ramiel Nagel, author of “Cure Tooth Decay.” “Organic foods are chemical-free and are filled with the nutrients our bodies crave. As someone who has had painful and sensitive teeth turn painless and three recurring cavities heal from programs outlined in my book, I know that it can help others change their lives. The reality is that cavities and tooth decay are preventable. This book arms people with the tools and know-how to do so.”
Cure Tooth Decay is published by Golden Child Publishing. For a free preview chapter or to purchase the book, please visit Cure Tooth Decay .
About Ramiel Nagel
Ramiel Nagel is an internationally published author whose tooth decay research has been featured in Nexus Magazine and the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. Nagel has a BA from the University of California and has five years of training in emotional health care. He lives in California with his spouse and two daughters.
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I had several very painful cavities postpartum (after having twins) that kept me up all night in pain and made it so I could barely eat... After following the advice in this book accruately my tooth pain subsided within 24 hours and no longer hurt at all, my teeth also look nicer and my gums no longer bleed and are a nice pink color. -J. Steuernol, Canada

"The practical advice in this book really seems to be reversing my tooth decay!!! Hallelujah brother!!! The dentist wanted me to have two major root canals immediately and two other teeth filled. When I asked him if there was anything I could do with nutrition or supplements to get mu teeth to heal, he said "maybe you could slow the decay down a little bit" but that essentially the answer was no.
That dental visit was three mobnths ago and my teeth have stopped aching all together, are way less temperature sensitive, and feel generally stronger.
Most of us have been totally disempowered regarding the health of our teeth. This information has changed that for me. I bought the book for $28 anyway though. What a bargain, The dental work was going to cost well over $4000.00 no wonder dentists don't seem open to this stuff working! Talk about a biased perspective!!!
Think I'm excited, you will be too if you use this info to take tooth health into your own hands!"
Very satisfied, Mike - Ashland, OR
"Not only is Cure Tooth Decay a practical guide to teach parents how to raise healthy children (with healthy teeth), it is also a helpfull tool for adults who have suffered with poor dental health and/or chronic disease. I would also highly recommend this book to people who are looking for things they can do to protect their bones, and their overall health, as they age. In other words, this book is a must read for everyone interested in improving their health." Pam Killeen New York Times nestselling Author
"Ramiel, You (along with Weston Price) saved my teeth. Was supposed to get a root canal (which I had no money to pay for). Tooth was in pain. After three weeks on the diet I can feel a big difference, tooth doesn't hurt now and feels like it's healing. Thanks so much. Unbelievable!" - Leroy, Utah
My cavity has gotten smaller! Once you are set free from being a slave to modern foods of commerce author continues to explain how the ancient people ate. They were healthy, strong and good looking. They had no cavities. They had no illness until familiar western culture came to visit them. If you are reading this review I am sure you understnad something is not right in the world. That we are born to live under a certain hypnosis. That we are taught to give away our responsibility to "people with authority", and those people cannot even take care of themselves. I recommend this book if you want the way out."Ranko, Croatia