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Press Release - Innovative Book Helps Americans Save Money at the Dentist
Press and Media contact only:
Ramiel Nagel
1(800) 314-7806 (If you are not a member of the press or media, then do not call that number, see the contact pageinsead.)
Recent News
- Ramiel spoke in London University of Westminster in August, 2014
- Eating for Better Dental Health published internationally in the Epoch Times, here is one version.
- Video Interview on ihealthtube
- Contact Information & Author Bio
- Book Summary / Description
- Testimonials / Reviews
- Before and After Quotes
- Book Accolades
- Cure Tooth Decay cover images
- Table of Contents
- Cure Tooth Decay author pics
- Sample Chapter
- Sample Radio and TV Interviews
Ramiel Nagel's Author Press and Media Bio & Contact
Ramiel Nagel is an internationally recognized author, writer and speaker on the subject of tooth and gum health. Ramiel's background includes a bachelor's degree from the University of California. He has extensive training as an awareness facilitator. Ramiel rediscovered the lost cure for tooth cavities when searching for the cause and solution of his daughter's tooth decay. Ramiel is now helping create a world free from dental disease.
Another press release:
Ramiel Nagel spoke at the 11th annual Wise Traditions, the conference organized by the Weston Price Foundation on the subject of healing dental cavities naturally.
Radio Interviews
Some of Ramiel's Radio and Internet Audio Interviews.
- Public Radio in Prince George, Canada with David Fuller
- In Short Order with Sue Vogan
- The Power Hour
- The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller
- Eye on the Future Radio, Vancouver, BC.
- Hear Ramiel on the One Radio Network with Patrick Tampone.
- It's Your Health Radio, Lisa Davis
- Kat James Show
- Raw Mom (2 interviews)
- Dr. Mutwasze (Moo-Twahz) is a Controversial Underground Revolutionary Healer
- Kim Caldwell Think Fit Radio
- Underground Wellness Radio with Sean Croxton
- KKUP Cupertino on Phytic Acid
- Jimmy Moore, Living La Vida Low Carb
- KGNU Radio Boulder Colorado with Robin Clair Tributaries Radio
- Mr. Nagel's interview on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley. (WMA format)
Cure Tooth Decay Book Description
There is a holistic alternative to conventional dental treatments which can help you heal tooth pain, reduce tooth infections, halt tooth decay and inhibit gum disease. Learn about a flexible whole foods dietary program pioneered by the head of research at the National Dental Association, Weston Price D.D.S. that proved 90-95% effective in halting cavities. Cure Tooth Decay provides clear and easy to understand dental facts so you can make healthy, life affirming choices about your dental health, including a non-surgical approach to halt baby-bottle tooth decay. Learn five nutritional programs that Nagel used to cure his own cavities, and halt his daughter's severe cavities. Restore dental and oral health through nutrition and lifestyle, not harmful chemicals and surgery. Dr. Gallagher, the presdient of the Holistic Dental Association says, "Cure Tooth Decay is treasure-trove of wisdom as it takes the mystery out of dental health."
Cure Tooth Decay reveals that cavities are not genetic, but a result of our environment, and primarily the foods we eat. Many people can avoid and limit dental treatments while bringing more balance and health to their body.
Discover the formula for having long lasting healthy teeth. Reclaim your dental health!
The book retail price is $28.97 and is available for easy ordering at
Cure Tooth Decay Reviews
"Cure Tooth Decay is a godsend for those seeking a comprehensive, holistic approach to their dental health that really works. The protocol in this book is very effective for preventing and mineralizing cavities."
Timothy Gallagher, D.D.S. President, Holistic Dental Association
"This book is a must read for everyone interested in improving their health."
Pam Killeen, NY Times bestselling author
"It is a life and thought changing book written by a man who's not trying to sell you anything. How rare is that?" David, Idaho
"This is a very different type of health book, written from the heart. The dietary advice put forth in this book is not only crucial for preventing tooth decay but for preserving the health of the human race." Margie, Connecticut
"I was ready to have a tooth pulled and the dentist told me I needed a root canal but I had no money. I was in pain and the cheek had actually started to swell up. Within three weeks of trying the diet I could tell I was turning the corner. The tooth stopped hurting; my teeth all over became whiter. After over a month on the diet it is hard for me to feel which tooth was bothering me. When I look at it in the mirror it still has a hole but the tooth feels like it is healing. Thanks a million to Ramiel Nagel for writing this book. Unbelievable!" Leroy, Utah
"If you are discouraged and don't know what to do, get this book. I was very worried and upset about my daughter's teeth at first, but now I am actually very calm because I know I am doing the right thing." Marina, Canada
"The great thing about this book is that it allowed me to take control over problems that I had once felt I had little control over no matter how hard I tried. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in taking responsibility for their own health and want to live a life of optimal health." Michael, California
Cure Tooth Decay Before and After
Marc M. sent me this unsolicted e-mail.
Before: "I had a toothache for over 6 months. I went to the dentist 3 times for the same tooth and they concluded after 2 tooth filling appointments, that I needed a crown and maybe a root canal after that."
After: "All I can say is that after all those months of accelerating pain from my tooth, it took only minutes after taking just a big serving of cod liver oil like you suggested for my pain to go away. I could not chew on this tooth last week, but now no problem. Thanks, thanks, thanks!"
Connie W. just sent me these unsolicted e-mails about her tooth enamel that was rapidly dissolving.
Before Reading Cure Tooth Decay: "I am driving myself absolutely crazy with this right now. I noticed my enamel looked scraped in a few spots a few weeks ago, and it is progressively getting worse by the day! There are at least twenty teeth affected that I can see."
"I don't want dentures. But I can't afford a full mouth of restorations either. I have found a few others like myself out there that this is happening to, and some of them have had every test under the sun and can find nothing wrong. They are at a loss and just as scared as I am."
After Reading Cure Tooth Decay (and following its recommendations): "I've been anxiously waiting to write and tell you this is working! It is healing so fast! The new enamel looks like lattice. My hair has been going gray for the last ten years, it is reversing. The gray is slowly turning into blonde and then a honey color.
If I could capture this, I'd probably just post them online for the whole world to see that dentists are wrong! Everywhere you read online, 'enamel does not grow back...' Rami, it does!!! I don't think this is just the enamel "like" glassy coating you referred to. I really believe this is actual enamel re-knitting. I wish you could see it!
I am so excited!!! Rami, thank you so much for being there to support and encourage me. Thank you so much for your website and your book. You did the world a great service by going public with your story and trying to help others accomplish the same thing."
Cure Tooth Decay Accolades
A foreword by the President of the Holistic Dental Association Dr. Gallagher.
Recommended reading by the Holistic Dental Association.
Cure Tooth Decay Cover Images
Full Cover PDF (available upon request)
Cure Tooth Decay Table of Contents
- Our Medieval Theory of Cavities
The modern theory of tooth decay is based on the idea that bacteria's cause cavities. Yet this paradigm is over 150 years old and is completely outdated and ineffective at curing cavities. - Why Indeed Do Teeth Decay?
Here we study the work of the world's most prominent dentist, Dr. Weston Price to understand the true nature of cavities and how to stop them. - Solved, the Riddle of Tooth Decay
Dental great Dr. Melvin Page explains why tooth decay really happens, and it is not because of bacteria. - Healing Teeth
Here you learn the formulas of success that have healed other people's teeth. Included are a: vegetarian, milk free, and a meat and/or fish based cavity healing plan. - Dentistry
Get to the roots of dentistry and learn whether root canals, or fluoride are effective treatments for cavities. Learn what dental treatments are safe, and when a dental treatment isn't necessary. Learn about how cavities and root canals are commonly misdiagnosed and how to protect yourself from this problem. - Proof That Cavities Can Heal
Several photographs remove any shades of doubt or despair, yes your teeth can remineralize and protect themselves! - Frequently Asked Questions
Read answers to 20 common questions. For example, how do you know if you have a tooth cavity? Also read answers to some outrageous questions, for example: how I respond to disbelievers and skeptics. - A Sane Approach to Treating and Preventing Early Childhood Tooth Decay
A reasonable alternative exists to paying for expensive surgery for your child affected with cavities. This section includes answers to common questions and some good extra tidbits for adults dealing with cavities.
Author Images
High resolution JPG's available by clicking on the image,
Television Interviews
Mr. Nagel has also appeared on San Francisco's View from the Bay.
Larger Public Speaking Events
Building Blocks for Optimal Health, 2012
Wise Traditions Conference, 2010
Health and Freedom Conference, 2009
I have also done talks for several local Weston Price Chapters.
Published Magazine Articles
Ramiel's health articles and/or books have been featured in
- Nexus Magazine
- The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients
- Rodale Press
- Fox Business News
- Wise Traditions, the Journal of the Weston Price Foundation
- Natural Solutions Health Magazine
- Los Gatos Weekly
- Saratoga Weekly
- Lancaster New Era

I had several very painful cavities postpartum (after having twins) that kept me up all night in pain and made it so I could barely eat... After following the advice in this book accruately my tooth pain subsided within 24 hours and no longer hurt at all, my teeth also look nicer and my gums no longer bleed and are a nice pink color. -J. Steuernol, Canada

"The practical advice in this book really seems to be reversing my tooth decay!!! Hallelujah brother!!! The dentist wanted me to have two major root canals immediately and two other teeth filled. When I asked him if there was anything I could do with nutrition or supplements to get mu teeth to heal, he said "maybe you could slow the decay down a little bit" but that essentially the answer was no.
That dental visit was three mobnths ago and my teeth have stopped aching all together, are way less temperature sensitive, and feel generally stronger.
Most of us have been totally disempowered regarding the health of our teeth. This information has changed that for me. I bought the book for $28 anyway though. What a bargain, The dental work was going to cost well over $4000.00 no wonder dentists don't seem open to this stuff working! Talk about a biased perspective!!!
Think I'm excited, you will be too if you use this info to take tooth health into your own hands!"
Very satisfied, Mike - Ashland, OR
"Not only is Cure Tooth Decay a practical guide to teach parents how to raise healthy children (with healthy teeth), it is also a helpfull tool for adults who have suffered with poor dental health and/or chronic disease. I would also highly recommend this book to people who are looking for things they can do to protect their bones, and their overall health, as they age. In other words, this book is a must read for everyone interested in improving their health." Pam Killeen New York Times nestselling Author
"Ramiel, You (along with Weston Price) saved my teeth. Was supposed to get a root canal (which I had no money to pay for). Tooth was in pain. After three weeks on the diet I can feel a big difference, tooth doesn't hurt now and feels like it's healing. Thanks so much. Unbelievable!" - Leroy, Utah
My cavity has gotten smaller! Once you are set free from being a slave to modern foods of commerce author continues to explain how the ancient people ate. They were healthy, strong and good looking. They had no cavities. They had no illness until familiar western culture came to visit them. If you are reading this review I am sure you understnad something is not right in the world. That we are born to live under a certain hypnosis. That we are taught to give away our responsibility to "people with authority", and those people cannot even take care of themselves. I recommend this book if you want the way out."Ranko, Croatia