Q: Will Green Pasture's Fermented Cod Liver Oil and X-Factor Gold Butter Oil make a significant difference to the hardness of my child's teeth?
I am on a tight budget so I do not want to spend money on Green Pasture's products.
A: Absolutely they make a difference. Green Pasture's has made an easier to take product called Blue Ice Royal Blend which is a mixture of fermented cod liver oil and X-Factor Gold high vitamin butter oil.
Butter oil contains activator X, which is an anti-cavity, anti-rickets vitamin. The activator X, along with fat-soluble vitamins A and D, triggers osteocalcin – the protein responsible for deposition of calcium and phosphorous into our bones.
Since these vitamins are absolutely essential for strong teeth and bones, there is no question that we need them. The question for you is about obtaining them. The Blue Ice Royal Blend makes it easy for parents to know with confidence that their children are getting the important fat-soluble vitamins that are an important part in healing tooth decay.

"I've always known deep down that teeth can heal naturally. When my own daughter began having dental issues, I went on a mission! Already been down that path, and being very scarred from the dental experiences I endured, I knew I couldn't put my child through it. I found Dr. Weston Price's research and my instincts told me this was it! Ramiel has now written a book, drawn from Price's findings, but specifically directed at restoring dental health. The result is a very comprehensive book that lays it all out. He is honest. And the truth is an incredible eye-opener! The protocol works. Get this book, especially if you have children."-Mrs. Brown, Canada

"Not only is Cure Tooth Decay a practical guide to teach parents how to raise healthy children (with healthy teeth), it is also a helpfull tool for adults who have suffered with poor dental health and/or chronic disease. I would also highly recommend this book to people who are looking for things they can do to protect their bones, and their overall health, as they age. In other words, this book is a must read for everyone interested in improving their health." Pam Killeen New York Times nestselling Author
Fabulous book! I work in a health food store and will be recommending it a lot. - Vimala
I purchased your cure tooth decay book and appreciate all the info that has opened my eyes to this nutritional healing. - Ace
I have read your book and I am very grateful for it. Thank you for all your hard work! - Joni