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    Toddler Diet, Not Brushing Secret, to Preventing Decay

    Courtesy of Flickr

    It’s an alarming trend in the United States, Canada and Australia -- our youngest children are suffering from a significant rise in tooth decay - some severe enough to “require” surgery under general anesthesia.

    Studies show that 28% of kids have tooth decay before they reach kindergarten. That number soars to more than half by the time they reach middle school.

    With each new study comes outcries blaming poor dental hygiene. Mainstream media shows images (the New York Times for example) of terrified children in the dentist chair and faces of parents torn by the guilt of having been irresponsible.

    Conventional dentists will tell you tooth decay prevention is all about the removal - by brushing, rinsing and flossing - of acid-producing bacteria.

    But whether a child’s teeth are brushed regularly or not is actually a secondary factor at best.

    The real culprit is a poor diet, plain and simple.

    And it’s not just a matter of sugar as has been long believed. Parents who think they are limiting the right kinds of sugary snacks and brushing their children’s teeth regularly can be shocked and dismayed to discover their little one still has cavities.

    How can kids that practice good oral hygiene and eat only a lower sugar foods still get decay?

    In the late 19th century a dentist named W.D Miller first made the connection between bacteria and acids in the mouth and tooth decay. And this is all that modern dentists are taught.

    But Dr. Miller also believed a strong tooth would not decay.

    “What we might call a perfect tooth would resist indefinitely the same acid to which a tooth of opposite character would succumb in a few weeks,” said Miller.

    This is not to say that sugary snacks are fine to feed children. Limiting high sugar fruits and juice is important, as is good dental hygiene. But teeth must be strong from the inside out and given a chance to remineralize.

    Dentist Ralph Steinman and Doctor John Leonora proved that tooth decay is triggered by our bodies' physiology. The hypothalamus in the brain communicates to the parotid gland in the mouth to release vitamin and mineral-rich fluid that cleans and remineralizes teeth.

    So how do we achieve the “perfect” tooth, especially for our vulnerable toddlers?

    Children can be born with a strong, cavity-fighting parotid gland and strong, calcified teeth thanks to the overall health of their parents and the strong building blocks, minerals and fat-soluble vitamins of the great diet their mother followed while pregnant.

    Also, from birth to three years the human body goes through frequent, very rapid growth spurts. It needs extra vitamins and minerals for each spurt, so it stores them. But if the nutrients are missing it pulls them from the teeth.

    That's why a nutrient-rich, whole foods diet for the whole family, with just the right balance of grass-fed and wild-caught proteins and healthy fats can not only prevent decay, but actually cure it. To learn more about the specifics on the diet that remineralizes teeth read Cure Tooth Decay.

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Other people have learned the secrets to stopping cavities with the published book Cure Tooth Decay

I had several very painful cavities postpartum (after having twins) that kept me up all night in pain and made it so I could barely eat... After following the advice in this book accurately my tooth pain subsided within 24 hours and no longer hurt at all, my teeth also look nicer and my gums no longer bleed and are a nice pink color. - J. Steuernol, Canada

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