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    Studies Show Fruit is Not Part of a Healthy Diet

    A study shows that our ancestors ate a diet high in root vegetables, insects, nuts and meats.

    A study published in the Journal of Human Evolution has shown that fruit is not essential to a healthy diet. This interesting report sheds light on some of the foods our ancestors consumed. Based on findings from researchers, we now know that our ancestors ate a diet that mainly consisted of nuts, vegetables and insects.

    How do these findings relate to our dental health? Well, it shows us what type of diet is crucial to maintain a healthy mouth. Skulls from our ancestors have shown little to no signs of tooth decay or cavities, and the diet they consumed played a large role in keeping their teeth so healthy. Our ancestors did not eat fruit, which is something that most people believe is crucial for maintaining their health. They were able to build strong, healthy teeth without eating fruits on a regular basis. How is this possible if fruit is supposed to be essential to your health?  The truth is that fruit can be a good part of your diet, but too much fruit can actually cause problems with your dental health. Fruit contains high levels of sugar, which can cause tooth cavities from blood sugar fluctuations in the body. While fruit can be a part of your daily diet, it is best to avoid ones that are highly sweet, such as bananas and blueberries. Keep your fruit intake to a maximum of once per day and avoid anything to sweet.

    Based on this study, we not only understand what foods our ancestors did not eat, but also which ones they did. We can assume that our ancestors most likely ate meats, as well as nuts, root vegetables, and insects.  The diet they consumed was high in the right types of minerals and vitamins to build strong, healthy teeth. Today, many people are not comfortable with the idea of eating insects, but they are actually a good source of the fat-soluble vitamins that are needed to maintain optimum dental health.

    These findings show us that our ancestors maintained strong, healthy teeth without a diet high in fruits. Today, numerous people suffer from tooth decay; and out diets consist of modernized foods that are processed or high in sugar. Perhaps it is time to go back to natural, whole foods and learn from our ancestors. If you follow the proper diet with the right amounts of vitamins and minerals, you can build strong, healthy teeth the way nature designed us to.



    Viegas, Jennifer. Early Humans Skipped Fruit, Went For Nuts. Nov. 9, 2009. Retrieved from:

    Ancient Egyptian Food. 2008. Retrieved from:

    Ancient civilizations teeth cleaning Retrieved from:

    Photo Credit: the uff da! chronicles from Flickr


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