bebek isimleri
  • 1.8 Billion Spent on Toothpaste While Tooth Decay Rates Continue to Climb

    A new report has revealed some interesting statics related to dental health and the amount of money spent on dental hygiene products. Studies estimate that there is about “$1.8 billion spent on toothpaste and $775 million on toothbrushes,” annually.


  • Topical Fluoride Treatments Given to Children Are Not Safe

    A new report reveals that one town in the UK will soon be administering routine fluoride treatments to children. According to the report, the decision was made by the NHS to have children’s “… teeth painted with fluoride varnish to combat high rates of dental decay.”  The report stated that, “Overall, almost one in three Plymouth children aged five surveyed had suffered from tooth decay.” The NHS hopes to combine fluoride treatments with dental health advice about avoiding sugary foods and improving dental hygiene.


  • Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

    Many people often wonder why we have wisdom teeth if they just get removed. Why would nature design us with teeth that don't fit in the mouth? The truth is, nature did design us so that these extra teeth would fit inside the mouth. The conflict for why the teeth once fit into our mouth and now do not, is a result of improper facial development due to the foods we consume.


  • The Evolutionary Impact on Dentistry

    While we cannot retrieve data on everything from the skeletal remains of our ancestors, we can easily see the teeth and jaw bones. Skulls from our ancestors have shown no evidence of malocclusion or minimal signs of tooth decay. Where did these problems come from? A newer approach to dentistry known as Evolutionary Oral Dentistry or Darwinian Dentistry aims to find that answer.


Bebek İsimleri
Disclaimer: This material has been created solely for educational purposes. The author and publisher are not engaged in giving medical / dental advice or services. The author and publisher provide this information, and the reader accepts it, with the understanding that everything done or tried as a result from reading this book, or website is at his or her own risk. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage or injury caused, or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book or website.

Copyright: © Ramiel Nagel, 2010. All Rights Reserved. It is illegal to duplicate content off of this website without the permission of the author. Please link to the website to help spread the good word.

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